Monday, October 29, 2007

III: 057

for a mime –
the vampire ________

Poem: David Giacalone
Photo by Cynthia Miner (1992)

Help from My Friends: You’re invited to help me finish this haiga-haiku at MagnaPoets JF

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

III: 056

clouds encircle
an almost-full moon --
awaiting the hunter

Hunter's Moon sm: more hunter's moon poems at MagnaPoetsJF -

Monday, October 22, 2007

III: 055

gets all the treats -
first Halloween




(haiga, originally posted at MagnaPoets Japanese Form; thanks to Anny & Cynthia Miner)

Friday, October 19, 2007

III: 054

third strike Mittensn
the designated hitter
blows on his hands

- more cold fingers at MagnaPoetsJS -

Thursday, October 11, 2007

III: 053

first date:
she moans with pleasure
at my pun

"surely our last
game of Scrabble" --
first date

first date
she insists on taking
the photo

[haiga: photo: Arthur Giacalone; see MagnaPoetsJF]

first date --
her eyes linger
on the rusted fender
................................................................. trikeN

Thursday, October 04, 2007

III: 052

a rookie cop
rousts the trestle couple —
two cooing pigeons

- a further "prosodized" (a la Pamela Ness, Modern Haiku 37:2) variation of a poem from the rengay "The Unmade Bed," written with CarrieAnn Thunell (Lynx XXII:3, October