III: 020
the snowman
and the wino --
each with a new hat
the wino's new hat --
Snowman keeps
a cool head
III: 019

a foot of snow
a month too soon
candles for nightlights
See original, full-color haiga here
along with 5 others by your Editor,
with photos by Arthur Giacalone. From
Simply Haiku Journal, Vol. 5. no. 1 (Spring 2007).
III: 018
the only snowman
on our block --
that old geezer keeps grinning
a hatless scarecrow --
big smile on
Mr. Snowman
III: 017
turns to black ice --
she has another headache
III: 016
door locks
frozen again --
de-icer in the glovebox
III: 015
after the blizzard --
the pretty young neighbor
digs out my car
III: 014
the Plow God makes
a mountain of snow -
no riverview today
snow buries
the basement window --
Spring Scent from the laundry vent
III: 013
ten feet of snow:
a dark bay window
on a sunny day
III: 012
Ghosts of Valentines past:
Valentine's Day --
the new sign says
"Thin Ice"
it's sealed --
the Valentine card
she never sent
Feb. 14
mailbox stuffed with cards
-- from relatives
a Valentine
for the apostate --
novena card from Mom
III: 011
rusty blades --
she skates backwards
so we can chat
III: 010
bing-crosby snowflakes
in the window
greatgrandma rocks and grins