Friday, December 21, 2012

happy post-Mayan solstice

What a relief.  Another 5125 year cycle to worry about.
May the sun shine on you throughout the new year.

- photo taken about noon on 12-12-12, Schenectady NY Stockade - 

winter solstice
we huddle under
the midday sun


At December 26, 2012 12:26 AM, Blogger mattm said...

Good stuff David and glad to see you are still writing. I am archiving a lot of old post on Morden Haiku at present with a view to publishing a best of collection in 2013. It's good to read all of your old comments again, hope all is well with you and best wishes for 2013, Matt

At January 05, 2013 6:36 AM, Blogger david giacalone said...

Happy New Year, Matt. I'm sorry to get back to you so late, but I am no longer accustomed to looking at my site regularly (much less posting more than once or twice a year). Thanks for your good wishes.

I bet your best-of collection will be a winner.

Have a great year! I hope to be in touch more as 2013 unfolds.

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