Sunday, May 25, 2008

IV: 022 Memorial Day 2008

- - see f/k/a for more Memorial Day haiku and senryu --


At May 26, 2008 11:17 PM, Blogger Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi David!

As you know, I love the haiku, both simple but with more layers as you re-read the poem.

It's definitely one of those haiku you can read and read again without being tired of reading it.

I love the picture, it's very painterly, and also reminds me of my ducklings haiku:

almost lost
in the shimmer of water
several ducklings

Although it was composed in Queensland, Australia, many years ago, and early to mid-afternoon! ;-)

all my best,

Just a few days away to the deadline!
The With Words International Online Haiku Competition

Half of the profits are going to a literacy project with children in Malawi, Africa (tba shortly).

At May 27, 2008 4:29 AM, Blogger david giacalone said...

Hello, Alan. You've been up a lot longer than I have today. Thanks for your kind words and for sharing your lovely duckling shimmer poem.

I wish I could claim some great photo talent or effort. I've only been snapping pictures (a few a week) for a few months, since I acquired my camera from Yu Chang as a hand-me-down (it still has Yu's inspiration inside). I've found that the Mohawk River is a very photogenic stream and I'm lucky to live a few yards from it.

For this photo, I pointed my Canon, set on auto, and took one picture of that lonely duck. A chimpanzee with a Kodak Brownie could have gotten this shot. My biggest contribution was remembering to get out there at sunset. Thanks for stopping by and encouraging to practice, practice, practice.


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